Friday 18 April 2014


I know this Tag is for YouTube, but I think you maybe want to know more about me, I´m uploading this in here because I don´t have a YouTube yet, or any time soon.
So here are the TMI Tag questions.
1. What are you wearing?
This is the outfit that I´m wearing:

Shirt: Forever 21
Shorts: Forever 21
Shoes: H&M

2. Ever been in love?

3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
No, not really.

4. How tall are you?
5, 3 feet.

5. How much do you weight?

6. Any Tattoos?

7. Any piercings?
I don´t know if this counts but I have piercing in my ear (two in each one).

8. OTP?
My UGG´s boots with a pair of jeans.

9. Favorite show?
Gossip Girl.

10. Favorite band?
Imagine Dragons or Train.

11. Something you miss?
I miss Summer.

12. Favorite song?
My ultimate favorite has been since a long time ago Titanium.

13. How old are you?
I´m 14.

14. Zodiac sign?

15. Quality you look for in a partner?
I think it’s for a boyfriend so funny and romantic.

16. Favorite quote?
Love like a wildfire, crazy like the moon, sudden like an inhale and overcoming like the tides.

17. Favorite actor?
Brad Pitt.

18. Favorite color?
Gold and turquoise. 

19. Loud music or soft?
Depending on the moment if I´m happy and all that then loud music, mostly always loud.

20. Where do you go when you´re sad?
My bed, haha.

21. How long does it take you to shower?
20 min.

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
45 min or 1 hour, i spend 30 minutes on my hair and makeup that’s why I´m that much time.

23. Ever been in a physical fight?

24. Turn on?  
Good guy perfume.

25. Turn off?
When someone chews with their mouth open.

26. The reason I joined Blogger?
Because I wanted to meet new people and because i saw other people blogging and I thought Wow that must be really cool, I should try it out, then I did and here I am.

27. Fears?

28. Last thing that made you cry?
Um... better not to talk about it.

29. Last time you said you loved someone?
An hour ago, to my mum.

30. Meaning behind your blogger name?
It’s just my name, and the address it’s my name and 016 because 16 is my favorite number. 

31. Last book you read?
I don´t really read but I’m trying so hard :$.   

32. The book you´re currently reading?

33. Last show you watched?

34. Last person you talked to?
A what’s app group with all my besties.

35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Best friends.

36. Favorite food?
Pizza or Salad, like Cesar salad or California salad. Mmmm

37. Place you want to visit?
I can´t choose one place so I´ll say some BoraBora, Dubai, California, LA and Caribbean Islands.

38. Last place you were?

39. Do you have a crush?

40. Last time you kissed someone?
Yesterday, to my mum.

41. Last time you were insulted?
I don’t know maybe right now. 

42. Favorite flavor of sweet?
Vanilla or gum flavor.

43. What instruments do you play?

44. Favorite piece of jewelry?
Statement necklaces.

45. Last sport you played?
I danced I dance class yesterday, I don´t know if that counts.

46. Last song you sang?
Impossible by James Arthur.

47. Favorite chat up line?
I´ve looked for some in google and my favorite is Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again.

48. Have you ever used it?

49. Last time you hung out with anyone? 
 Yesterday, with some Friends.

50. Who should answer these questions next? 

All of you guys, I would love to know more about you guys so tell my by a comment where can I find it and I will be pleased to respond you can also do it by email Xx 

Thursday 17 April 2014


Hi guys!

I´ve been asked a lot about my background by email and people asked if I could post it so here it is I´ve also made a lot of them myself here there is two.

                      This is the background right now but i made a nother one for you guys

You can use them if you want, if you want me to see them put #rebecca_robertson in Instagram and I will check them and comment, or you can also send it to my email, I will reply.

Love you all Xx

Monday 14 April 2014


Hey guys! I am still new in this blogging stuff but I will play around with it too see how it goes but I will be changing things in the blog soo its more helpful and it looks nicer, so, if a day you can’t find what you want don’t be scared to comment I will help you, it’s just to warn you guys love you all! Xx

Spring trends 2014

Hi there! today I felt like making a spring trends post because where I live is really warm I literally have to go in shorts and a shirt or even dresses, so well here are the Spring Top 20 trends:
1~ Chain necklaces
This is my favorite necklace at the moment it can make a normal outfit really chic.

2~ Statement necklaces

                     These statement necklaces are fabolous for simple outfits to spice them up.

3~ Midi rings

This midi rings are perfectt for spring you can get them plain like these ones or

or with shapes like this I personally think the elephant is so cute.

4~Dolphin shorts

                 These shorts are so confortable I can´t even explain Oh My God.

5~ Crotchet cami
I am seriously in love with crochet t-shirts, tanks or crop tops they are just perfect.

6~ Floral print dresses
I actually bought this myself and i wear it nearly every single day.

7~ Skater dresses

Skater dresses are perfect they are comfy and chic you can also pair it with anything.
8~ Hand bag

  Big hand bags are awesome because you ca  fot anything you want inside.

9~ Circle Sunglasses
You can pair these with any outfit to give it a vintage look.

Thursday 10 April 2014


Hi there! I hope you are having an awesome day, night, or whenever you’re watching this. 

Well this is my first enter in this blog and I am just going to tell you what is it going to be about... well this blog is going to be a beauty and fashion blog,  this blog isn’t my blog, is our blog so if you want you can comment or contact with me and I will help you.